Most people are comfortable with the idea of a noun, but they may not feel so confident when it comes to the noun clause. A noun clause is a group of words acting together as a noun. These clauses are always dependent clauses. That is, they do not form a complete sentence. Take a look at some sample sentences containing noun clauses to understand their purpose and function.
Due to various misrepresentaion and dismination of media content, true background story will be effective because it will shock the reader into action which will make them to consider checking and searching for fact themselve than depending on the media.
The following are the effect of knowing the true background of the photo have on the reader:
It makes the reader consider the idea that the media doesn’t always tell the true story.
It shows the reader that when it comes to persuasive media, you can’t always trust what you see.
She's graceful and childish. But at the same time, Weena has her own personality. She has retained certain feelings that the other Eloi seem to have lost – gratitude, for instance. After the Time Traveller saves her from drowning, Weena keeps him company and tries to keep him safe and comfortable – in her own way.
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