The Constitution fixed the problems of the Articles of
Confederation by the following. Article I of the Constitution, Congress
can regulate interstate commerce. It is also responsible for coinage and
only Congress can regulate tariffs; in the early days of the national government,
it was largely funded through land sales, excise taxes, and tariffs.
Article II gave the national government a chief executive whose job it
was to execute the laws. He had veto power over Congress, but Congress
could override his veto or even vote to impeach him in extreme cases.
The capture of Native Americans for slavery became the early economic basis of the Carolina colony.
They are both examples of movement because airports are different types of Movement a.k.a Moving and adapting which is a totally different question anyways the answer is Because they are moving and interacting with the world.
The social causes also led to the outbreak of the revolution. The inequalities prevailing in the society created much discontentment among the masses and forced them to oppose the prevalent social structure. The French society was mainly divided into two classes: (i) the privileged, and (ii) the unprivileged.