Due to the technological improvements of the industrial revolution, women were hired as the workforce for numerous industries, particularly in the textile industry.
It was a win to win relationship for both, business owners and female employees, as business owners saw women as a cheaper source of labor in comparison to men. On the other hand, women saw the wages that the industries paid as more attractive than doing housework. Additionally, due to their relatively smaller size in comparison to men, women could also access places within machinery that men couldn't. This was an advantage when it came to maintenance tasks.
It worked by people using and constructing it by hand. I made their society and their lives better and easier
Produced the steam engines which then improved systems of transportation. For example, trains were essential, but relied on burning coal. The steam engine made it more efficient. For the textile industry, the sewing machine was introduced to production lines, helping the processing and usage of cotton to be more efficient.