Dear Gr 12 learner, I bet you've heard the phrase "with great powers comes great responsibilities." This phrase is very true, especially at that moment in life that you are living in, where your greatest power is freedom. My advice to you is that you take advantage of this moment and use the freedom that is offered to you, but don't forget the responsibility that comes with it and that responsibility is to maintain responsible behavior.
Freedom is a privilege held with responsibility. For this, it is important that you understand that there are situations that are not appropriate, beneficial and progressive which you should not get involved in and act responsibly to avoid them, thus maintaining not only your freedom, but your moral and physical integrity , as well as your safety.
Freedom with responsibility is not difficult, it will be necessary for you to stay focused on good things, in addition to maintaining the trust of those who allow you to have access to freedom. In that case, I need to issue a second piece of advice, which is to always ask older and more experienced people about what behavior to adopt in situations that you think might lead you to irresponsibility.
I believe that with this advice you will make very good and uplifting decisions.
Love and Grief are the main ideas in this story. You must remember that any mother, wherever she is from, and whatever religion she may be, loves her child. A mother does not love her child differently than someone in another culture. It is universal. Not only is it universal, it is eternal. Mother's have an instinct to protect their young.
Subduction moves rock down, below Earth's outer layer. Uplift moves rock upward, toward Earth's surface. Uplift and subduction can expose rock formations to different energy sources, which can transform them. Any type of rock can transform into any type of rock because of plate motion.
(hope this helps)
option c
Okay the content of something is the information about it or the plot. style would be how you write.