A topic sentence is one that describes the topic
Revising and editing are the two tasks you undertake to significantly improve your essay. Both are very important elements of the writing process. You may think that a completed first draft means that little improvement is needed. However, even experienced writers need to improve their drafts and rely on peers during revising and editing. You may know that athletes miss catches, fumble balls, or overshoot goals. Dancers forget steps, turn too slowly, or miss beats. For both athletes and dancers, the more they practise, the stronger their performance will become. Web designers seek better images, a more clever design, or a more appealing background for their web pages. Writing has the same capacity to profit from improvement and revision.
You should revise and edit in stages: do not expect to catch everything in one go. If each time you review your essay you focus on a different aspect of construction, you will be more likely to catch any mistakes or identify any issues. Throughout this chapter, you will see a number of checklists containing specific things to look for with each revision. For example, you will first look at how the overall paper and your ideas are organized.
In the second section of this chapter, you will focus more on editing: correcting the mechanical issues. Also at the end of the chapter, you will see a comprehensive but more general list of things you should be looking for.Revising and editing allow you to examine two important aspects of your writing separately, so that you can give each task your undivided attention.
Since there is nothing underlined, I will identify the part of speech for every word.
Dolley - proper noun
Madison - proper noun
the - definite article
wife - common noun, singular, countable
of - preposition
the - definite article
fourth - adjective
United States - proper noun
president - common noun, singular, countable
is - present form of the auxiliary verb to be in third person
one - cardinal number
of - preposition
history`s - abstract noun, singular, countable (possessive form - Saxon genitive)
many - adjective
interesting - adjective
women - common noun, plural, countable
A simple sentence is one independent clause that has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought.
what are the choices?
"If you were an Anti-federalist, you would use the quote to support your argument that only a pure democracy of local governments is the best government" is the best description of how you would respond. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the fourth option or option "D".