Report is given below.
Some police personnel named X, Y and Z have been taking bribes and abusing some residents which can be find out from various sources such as camera recording and Testimony of the witnesses etc. The conclusion is that the police personnel are guilty due to committing crime and the recommendation is to give punishment to these police personnel so that no one can repeat such type of crime in the department. They are suspended from the department and sentence to sending jail are the punishments for their crime.
Patriotism is what makes kids use propaganda because if a teacher give you a take home essay or a quiz then other kids are gonna be saying "OMG this is so hard" so then let's say you might do it and you be like "well to make it easier i'm going on the internet to copy somebody's essay".
Recorded in wampum as recitations, written down later, the spellings of names differed as transliteration varies and spellings even in European languages were not entirely regularized.
(Not for sure)
a) the broken-off head of the statue
Visage means face.