C. Prior to monotheism, most religions were based on worshipping many gods.
They used to worship anything from nature. After Muhammad rose up as a leader, all of that stopped, and Arabic people started to believe in one god only.
It was an agreement with the states and was the first constitution of the United States of America.
It is a well know fact that after the conquest, the victor writes the history. The accounts of the initial meeting between Hernan Cortez and Montezuma II, in 1519 CE, are based upon the writings of the Spanish; most of the written history on their first meeting by the Aztecs, if any, was more than likely destroyed during the conquest.
The mans view of himself would be degraded.
Society would benefit because it will show that women can work like men if it's needed.
The value of women would have raised because it shows that women can work and provide for the household.
Explanation: It would show that women are valuable to the household just as much as men.
Women can work just aswell as men.