slavery has lasting and extensive effects on every aspect of American society
The treaty allowed for the US to give Spain 5 million dollars in exchange for the US to gain ownership of Florida and the western territory of California
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The spread and enhancement of Enlightenment Ideas can be accredited to Salons hosted by women like Madame Geoffrin. Philosophers, authors, and economists would go to these Salons and exchange ideas of the economy and government. The salons would become "public spheres" which was recognized by Jürgen Habermas' The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. Women's rights got a huge boost as women could learn from the philosophers inside the Salons.
The Freikorps
The Freikorps were rebellious military soldiers from WWI that had a positive impact on German society. Former senior officers in the German Army began raising private armies after the First World War whom we called Freikorps. They played a key role in borders by preventing the Red army from entering Germany. With the regulations and laws after signing the treaty of Versailles Germany felt necessary to develop a secret army to protect its nation and people.