How the present constitution can be change or amend in different ways?
The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures.
The structural immaturity of the infant brain makes it unlikely that such emotions can be experienced in the first year.
According Jerome Kagan, the brain of an infant under the age of one is still immature and, for that reason, incapable of feelings that require thought (such as, guilt, pride, despair, same, empathy, and jealousy). When a one-year-old responds to an emotional incentive, it is either with a biologically prepared response or with acquired habits. A three-year-old child, on the other hand, is capable of those feelings because she is now able to infer the state of others and to be aware of her own emotions.
The correct answer is Anomie, this is the term used by Emily Durkheim to refer toa condition in which social control becomes ineffective as result of the loss of shared values.
Anomie is a term that means the lack of rules or standars that society has.
"<span>When housing prices fall, consumers are more likely to </span>default<span> on their home loans, causing banks to lose money. Also, home equity dries up, meaning that consumers have fewer funds available for spending, saving, investing or paying down their debts. Sometimes, banks are even forced to shut down."</span><span>
Read more: How does a decline in housing prices affect the banking sector? | Investopedia
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