The diploid is 30. The haploid is 15. Option C is most likely correct.
Its a sex linked disorder and it makes stopping the bleeding slower in affected individuals.
Hemophilia is a sex linked recessive disorder which occurs due to a gene present in the X chromosome. The presence of this gene in males surely make the individual hemophilic because the Y chromosome doesn't contain any dominant factor of this gene. In females, the recessive individuals become carriers without expression of this gene. Only the dominant individuals in females expresses Hemophilia.
Its a disease where the Christmas factor (Factor IX) or the antihemophilic factor(Factor VIII) is absent in the affected individual. This makes the cascade theory incomplete and there's a defect in blood clotting in both the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. Thus the persons if starts bleeding, loses a lot of blood before coming to a stability.
its gives us oxygen witch most thing take to stay alive
Firstly, let us break down the components:
A cilia is a hair-like structure positioned on a tissue for locomotive purposes
Epithelium is a type of tissue
Therefore, a ciliated epithelium is a kind of tissue that contains hair-like structures called cilia for locomotion. They can be found in our respiratory tracts lining, the fallopian tube of human females, brain etc. where they mainly perform the function of moving particles.
They help move foreign particles like dust from our respiratory tracts, they help move the egg from the ovary to the uterus of women, they also move cerebral spinal fluid in the brain.
Ciliated epithelium contains goblet cells, that secretes mucous to provide the moist medium for locomotion
Erosion could occur on the dry soil