D - It intensities the conflict.
Any time there is a complication in a story, the pupose is to intensify the conflict. Exposition delivers necessary information (example: the setting), and a conflict does not resolve (end) a story nor introduce a theme.
Harden, make or become hard or harder.
Lovable, inspiring or deserving love or affection.
Washable, (especially of fabric or clothes) able to be washed without shrinkage or other damage.
Widen, make or become wider.
Sharpen, make or become sharp.
Hey there! I believe your answer is
the late 1960s. MLKjr gave his speech in 1967, which in turn is apart of the late 60s era. Hope this helped!
Your friend on brainly,
Answer:I believe that the answer would be that all things are going the opposite as expected.
Explanation:I think this because contrary means opposite, and if you change it to opposite the best result is that all things(as of in his opinion) are going opposite as he hoped due to Juliet's lack of wanting to marry Paris