The families had tombs such as the Capulets tombs. Juliet was pretending to be dead, so she would be in there. Romeo notices her.
Yala Korwin was a Polish artist who survived work camp during WWII. After the traumatic experience of WWII Korwin immigrated to the United States in 1956,
Korwin was born in 1923 and was an exceptional student allowing her to be immediately accepted into her prioritised art institute. Due to WWII, in 1942 she was forced to leave and to prioritise her life before her interests. Korwin's mother was a bookkeeper and her father was a history teacher with a Jewish religion at the time. Korwin, her mother and two sisters attended a ghetto whilst her father hid in a photo studio. Not long after both her parents were sent to a concentration camp. By using her friend's sister's paperwork she was able to land herself with "light laboratory work". It turned out the work was an ammunition factory, but still remained to work there for two and a half years until war ended in 1945. As soon as war ended Korwin left for France where her cousins and Aunt was located. This is where she met her husband Paul and had her two children.
hope it helps
Mumble is an emperor penguin (i believe) that has a disorder that affects the shedding of his Down (the soft feathers that the young usually have)
Answer: <u>Will </u>I always <u>live </u>in Sloveia? I dont know. Maybe you <u>should live</u> in another country. I hope it <u>will be</u> England. My English is terrible. That reminds me. Madame X, What will the questions be in our English test tomorrow?
Set in Rome in 44 BC, the play depicts the moral dilemma of Brutus as he joins a conspiracy led by Cassius to murder Julius Caesar to prevent him from becoming dictator of Rome. Following Caesar's death, Rome is thrust into a period of civil war, and the republic the conspirators sought to preserve is lost forever.