The period immediately after the Civil War when the South rebuilt and the southern states returned to the Union. An amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1868, granted citizenship to all born in the United States; this broad language included former slaves.
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Ottoman Art and Science
Istanbul and other major cities throughout the empire were recognized as artistic hubs, especially during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. Some of the most popular forms of art included calligraphy, painting, poetry, textiles and carpet weaving, ceramics and music.
Turkish carpets, decorative calligraphy, painted ceramics and elaborate mosque architecture are some of the art that came from the Ottoman Empire, an empire once located in the Middle East and centered in present-day Turkey.
Ottomans had contributed to the development of hospitals and healthcare, and witnessed advances in medicine, mining and military technology. They also set up a leading observatory in Istanbul and had established more than 300 centres of learning known as medreses.
Have a wonderful thanksgiving!!
William Shakespeare (1564–1616) and Christopher Marlowe (1564–1593) were born in the same year, but Marlowe died much earlier, meaning that he had a far shorter literary career. They both were the sons of tradesmen but their careers were quite different. ... Marlowe and Shakespeare wrote both poetry and drama.
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in hopes that it would destroy the US Pacific Fleet and weaken the resolve of the American people. They hoped that the defeat at Pearl Harbor would be so devastating, that Americans would immediately give up. The goal was a quick US capitulation allowing Japan to continue imperial expansion.