Military communications have to be coded to keep them secret from the enemy. However the process of coding and decoding are time consuming processes. Furthermore the codes may be broken by the enemy. Nations have devoted considerable effort trying to create unbreakable codes. In World War II both Germany and Japan thought they had such unbreakable codes, but in fact these codes were broken and their most vital information were readily available to their enemies.
when the white people came to our land they brought bibles and their religion. they pushed their religion onto us and stole our land.
hope this helps
Media bias is defined as the intentional selection of details of a situation, methods of journalism, and shared terminologies in order to modify people's ideas of current or past events. Media bias is a direct violation to the SPJ (Society of Professional Journalism) code of ethics, in which it's stated that a journalist should: Seek the TRUTH and report it, Minimize harm, Act independently, and Be accountable and transparent. A good example of Media bias is the documentary produced by Alexandra Pelosi, "Right America: Feeling wronged", where the conservative party is despicted as ignorant and unaware of what is best for them by the means of showing only people not capable of explaining rationally the reasons and ideas behind the rallies conducted by the right wing and therefore creating the illusion that the conservatives are nothing but an angry mob unable to accept change and development.
It ruined many people’s lives and careers. Also the nation was living in fear of Communism or being thought that they were communist