The arguments for US interventions abroad are always related to maintaining democracy and preventing the spread of ideologies or leaders that are threatening to the world.
<h3>What is a foreign intervention?</h3>
A foreign intervention is a type of international relationship between two or more nations that is based on the participation of an external country in the conflict or dispute of two or more nations or in internal conflicts such as civil wars.
The United States has been one of the countries that has carried out the most interventions abroad in some countries such as:
- Vietnam
- Cuba
- Korean
- Afghanistan
- Iraq
- France
- Chile
- PanamaAmong others.
The intervention of the United States in these conflicts has always been argued as a defense of democracy and the human rights of citizens.
For example, during the Cold War, they intervened in the Korean and Vietnam Civil War to prevent communism from spreading and putting democracy at risk.
Later, he made interventions in Middle Eastern countries to combat crime and terrorism of international organizations based on religion.
Learn more about interventions abroad in:
he most important type is the majority opinion. In most cases, a majority opinion requires five Justices, unless one or more Justices have recused themselves from a given decision. The majority opinion is important because it defines the precedent that all future courts hearing a similar case should follow.
America's first lady between 1933 and 1945 was
Eleanor roosevelt
They overthrew their countries in the name of Allah. Atheists, or those the Qur'an calls Infidels had to convert to Islam and if they resisted, they were killed.
<span>For Christians and Jews, well they occupied their nations and were forced to pay the Jizya, that is a tax. With it they built the Mosque of Omar that is in Jerusalem today. </span>
<span>Non-Muslims often had to dress in common clothes and were prohibited from riding horses--a reminder of their subjection. </span>
<span>And when they paid their tax, they must approach the collector with their faces down, not looking in his eyes. Again, to remind them they were inferior and in subjection. Then the collector would slap them in the face before taking their money. </span>
<span>In most conquered countries, the Christians usually converted after a couple generations. Then they did not have to pay the tax. Hope this helped