Answer: The regular methods of voting in such bodies are a voice vote, a rising vote, and a show of hands. Additional forms of voting include a recorded vote and balloting. The assembly could decide on the voting method by adopting a motion on it. Different legislatures may have their voting methods.
Isolationism is the practice or policy of taking distance from the interest or political affais other groups or countries, which has been sometimes characteristic of the Ameican political life as it was after WWI.
Some senators in the USA believed that the League of Nations violated the sovereignity of the country thus deciding not to join the league and refusing to ratify the Treaty of Versailles which was the agreement that officially ended WWI. Thereby (<em>C.</em>)
Lyndon Johnson<span> was </span>known for<span> becoming president after President Kennedy was assassinated. His presidency is </span>known for<span> the passage of civil rights legislation and the Vietnam War.</span>
B, there are 12 regional circuits in the United States, which hear cases on appeal from the district courts.
It caused instability on government and economies worldwide,as the destruction caused by wwi has caused unrest among nations,many also suffers great economic dilemma due to destruction on infrastructures (e.g. factories, hospitals),also due to the lack of labour caused by death and injuries. Some nations also closed trading to secure their own economic development. The governments faced instability due to unrest caused by hyperinflation and unemployment