because the bigger the denominator gets the smaller the number actually is so that means also that 1/10 is greater that 2/19
Because of what it expresses
I'm not the smartest hope it helps
a song
it is the title of a song. The song is about a war and how even the smartest of people refuse to fight. therefore they are fighting against the power (power being war)
never borrowed
Neither words could be used alone, so the closest answer would be to combine the two. Another option is "borrowed."
1. This can lead to spending too much time in the cyber world, and not enough time in the "real" world. This can lead to decreased productivity (for example, not completing homework, or even remembering to eat, in extreme cases).
2. When engaging in a social media relationship, "catfishing" (when someone has a fake profile and pretends to be someone else) is a common occurrence.
3. Something more extreme than catfishing can also occur, often with younger adolescents. While it can be categorized as catfishing, the person behind the profile could be a predator and have plans to abduct the other person.
4. "Real world" relationships may suffer. Social media relationships require a lot of time on the computer/phone, which may take away time from hanging out with friends and family (similar to the first point).