Answer:seed-tree method or seed-tree cutting
The seed tree method is a modified method of clear cutting where trees which are seen to be the best are left behind so that they can regenerate and become parent trees to the new forest.
When everything else is cut off 8 to 10 trees which shows to be perfectly healthy and matured are left behind for regeneration.
These are wind resistant trees with light seeds like maple trees. After the new trees have grown they may be cutt off or be left for the two age stand.
The amount customers are willing to buy is demand
cultural view can affect a relationship both negative and positive ways
we should take care of our culture.We can predict the quality of the community by understanding the culture of the community.Relationships between various people from the same cultural and having. different racial norms complex enough for the problem arising
Here’s South Africa
Living in a country like South Africa, there are many natural riches to inspire and create exceptional pieces of jewellery. Aside from some of the world’s most magnificent diamonds and gemstones, the flora, fauna and multi-cultural colourful nature of the country creates a true haven for artistic inspiration.
There are intellectual property laws globally that provide protection for jewellery designs which may vary according to jurisdiction including trade marks, designs, copyright, traditional knowledge and advertising laws. Below is a short note on the applicability of the trade mark law in South Africa.