The correct answer is b)
The EU started as an association of countries that seeked economic improvement by boosting their import and export. They signed a series of treated to create three overlapping organizations, one of them being the European Economic Community (the other specified unified Atomic Energy market and the third unified Steel and Carbon Market). These treaties later developed into the modern EU.
The answer is yes, definitely. The Roman empire grew so big that their sphere of influence reached even China (through trade most probably). There are so many achievements that the Roman empire can boast, one of which is none other than achitecture. You may not notice it, but if you look closely you'll see that most of the government's structures and or bank's structures have Greco-Roman touch about them.
And definitely you will notice that there are many Christians here and there - that's brought to you by the Roman empire who grew so big that when emperor Constatine decided to legalize Christianity, the religion spread like wild fire in the old world! This development still affects us up to now. Where is the pope's seat of power? Is it not in the Vatican, the heart of Rome?
The Birth of Mass Culture During the 1920s, many Americans had extra money to spend, and they spent it on consumer goods such as ready-to-wear clothes and home appliances like electric refrigerators. In particular, they bought radios.