Ancient civilizations based a large part of their economy and their subsistence on trade and exchange of goods. Thus, they were guided by a very simple premise: they traded what they had left over, to obtain in exchange what they lacked. For example, if a civilization overproduced wheat, it could trade that surplus for goods it did not have, such as animals. In this way, all civilizations covered their needs without the obligation to procure them all by their own hand.
The kind of question asked is open ended question.
An open-ended question is a type of question whose answer cannot be either a "yes" or "no".
It is a question with a detailed answer which would include the feelings or knowledge of the one who is answering. It is possible that the questioner compares the response of the open-ended question with the information he knows. The given question asking the experiences during the first year in college will be a detailed answer given. So, it is an open-ended question.
I'm pretty sure it is called withdrawal.