One worker<span> produces an average of 84 units per </span>day<span> with a street </span>What is the probability<span> that in any </span>single day worker 1 will outproduce worker 2<span>? A) 0.1141.
Answer, factory worker productivity<span> is </span>normally distributed<span>. </span>One worker produces<span> an </span>average<span> of 75 </span>units per day<span> with a standar, day with a </span>standard deviation<span> of 20. </span>Another worker produces<span> at an </span>average rate<span> of 65 </span><span>per day.
Craig has every 13th night and Edie has every 5th night off.
You have to find LCM - the Least Common Multiple that is the smallest ("least") number that both 13 and 5 will divide into.
Since numbers 13 and 5 are both prime, then LCM(13,5)=13·5=65.
This means, they will have the same every 65th night off.