Decimals to fractions
1. 0.24 = 24/100 = 12/50=6/25
2. 0.20=20/100=1/5
3. 0.18 = 18/100 = 9/50
4. 0.58 = 58/100 = 29/50
5. 0.68 = 68/100 = 34/50 = 17/25
The correct answer is
<em>"you can't take it [wealth] </em>
<em>with you [when you die]"</em>
Words and phrases such as "I lie," "trussed," "locked," and "cannot stir" allude to the truth of the popular adage that.
If this question is based on Billy Milligan story, than yes :) There were real examples, although just a few of them during the whole history, or maybe noone knew about such a syndrome earlier.