Money supply refers to the amount of money available in the economy. It can be in different forms like cash, coins, and balances that are usually held in different checking and savings accounts. It also refers to the entire stock that a country has available within its economy.
The slowdown in learning new information has been linked to changes in working memory,...
Working memory, as the name suggests, is what allows us to work with information. It stores information temporarily so that we can manage it when trying to carry out complex cognitive tasks. For instance, solving problems, learning, reasoning, comprehending texts and spoken language, all require employing our working memory. It can be compared to a workbench that allows us to handle/manipulate information.
A sociological theory by Goffman states that in places like boot camps and prisons, resocialization occurs. These places are termed total institutions. <span>Total institutions exert total control over the lives of people who live there. The places try to eliminate the individual identity and subject them to harsh treatment.</span>
Virgil explains how due to Beatrice desire´s he is in hell guiding Dante.
For Virgil the fact that Dante compares with Aeneas and Paul turns out to be hurtful, since the first was the inspiration in the poem of his composition as he was the founder of Rome, and the second was one of the saints of his great admiration to be The founder of the Church.
In this sonnet Dante expresses his feelings of fear and conviction; he believes that he will become the next Aeneas or Paul after passing through hell, he really thinks something relevant will happen after.
Given these statements by Dante, Virgil explains the reason for his stay and guidance for his passage in hell, he tells her how Beatrice was in charge of this feat, since thanks to her wishes and sacrifices for the love of Dante, Beatrice he asks Virgil to guide his way through that place.