Sodium, potassium, chloride and calcium ions are important for establishing the resting potential of the cell. The sodium-potassium gradient is maintained by a pump which transports 2 potassium inside the cell and 3 sodium ions outside the cell.
Xx is the answer tell me if I'm wrong.
imagine I teach my child at my home , it doesn't involve any commercial purpose . I don't need any money from my child , so that's free market economy.
A dense growth of plant life in a aquatic ecosystem which many animals living there die(due to lack of enough oxygen present in water) and the ecosystem gets completely disrupted.
Eutrophication excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently due to run-off from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life.
Answer:Limiting factor is a factor which can limit the abundance, distribution of the species in an ecosystem this can be a resource, predator or natural disaster. The black swallowtail butterfly feeds on endangered plant named Candy's dropwort. If the plants continue to decrease the population of black swallowtail butterly will also decrease as decrease in the plant population will act as a limiting factor for the growth of butterfly population.