Answer: Circular reporting or false confirmation is a situation in source criticism where a piece of information appears to come from multiple independent sources, but in reality comes from only one source.
The answer is "ah, shun the horrid gulf! by scylla fly. 'Tis better six lose, than all to die.' because he has said that he cannot be defeated even by a someone greater than him.
The Dust Bowl was a time in the 1930's when a severe wave of droughts and failure to use dryland farming methods that damaged the land and Economy. Many people starved without food and dust piled up everywhere.
Hope this helps
So, if we can define each word it will make it easier. Desolate refers to being in a state of emptiness. Rigorous refers to or could be being accurate (cross that one out). Omen is a good or bad event. Devoid is lacking something (lacking emotion or lacking a voice). So my answer is desolate because it involves nothing, or just being empty (not necessary).