B. The senators! I don't have much more info to add, but I hope this helps!
During World War I, Germany had been blockaded, so they didn't have the fertilizer for their crops and the food to survive, which then led to deaths. After the war, Germany was just really inefficient, and they had major problems. These problems then led to Hitler becoming the tyrant of Germany, which then led to World War II because he blamed all of the problems on the Jewish people, which then made even more problems.
These are the 13 colonies
The great Athenian leader of the 5th century BCE, Pericles, was swept into power in a popular democratic movement. A member of a noble and venerable family, Pericles led the Athenians against Cimon for harboring autocratic intentions. Pericles had been the leader of the democratic faction of Athenian politics since 462 BCE. Ephialtes was the Athenian leader who had finally divested the Areopagus of all its power; Athens was now solely governed by the council and the democratic Assembly.
Pericles quickly brought forward legislation that let anyone serve as the archon [one of the nine central leaders], despite birth or wealth. The Assembly became the central power of the state. Consisting of all the free-born male citizens of Athens, the Assembly was given sole approval or veto power over every state decision. The Assembly was not a representative government, but instead consisted of every male citizen. In terms of numbers, this still was not a democratic state: women weren't included, nor were foreigners, slaves or freed slaves.
Pericles also changed the rules of citizenship: before the ascendancy of Pericles, anyone born of a single Athenian parent was an Athenian citizen; Pericles instituted laws which demanded that both parents be Athenian citizens. So, in reality, the great democracy of Periclean Athens was in reality only a very small minority of the people living in Athens. It was, however, the closest human culture has come to an unadulterated democracy.
One figure towers over this new democratic state: Pericles. This Age of Athens, which begins either in 462 or 450 or 445 BCE and lasts until 404 BCE, when Athens was defeated by Sparta, is called the Athenian Age, the Classical Age or after its most important political figure, the Age of Pericles.
And still there remains the figure of Pericles himself. There is no question that the democratic reforms of the Age of Pericles owe their existence to the energy of this political figure. He was a man of immense persuasiveness and an orator of great power. Although he was eventually ostracized by the Athenians [he later returned], he dominated the democratic government of Athens with his formidable capacity to speak and to persuade. He had two central policies: democratic reform and the maintenance of the empire.
Sparta, however, growing increasinly wary of Athenian prosperity, would soon find itself entangled once again with its old rival. The thirty year peace managed to hang on for only fourteen years before hostilities broke out again. In 431BCE, a second war broke out, called simply The Peloponnesian War; this war would see the death of Pericles in its second year, but eventually witness the foolish destruction of the Athenian navy, the defeat of Athens and the end of Athenian democracy.
<span>2,575 years passed between 3100 BC and 525 BC. Calculation of years in the BC era is found by taking the earlier date, or larger number, and subtracting the later or more recent date, the smaller number. 3100 - 525 = 2,575 years.</span>