Algeria was a French colony back in the day, so obviously no colonial country would want any of its colonies to gain independence. Just take a look at Britain and America - America consisted mostly of colonists from England who then decided they wanted freedom to become a separate country. Algeria used to belong to France, which means that all of its resources and money also belonged to France, which is something it didn't want to lose.
This type of vote is know as a Plebiscites
The Wagner act is also known as the National Labor Standards act
United States control of Puerto Rico’s government with Puerto Ricans
becoming U.S. citizens after 1917; the Philippines providing a naval
base to guard U.S. trade in Asia, which in turn provided some
improvement in Filipino schools, roads, and healthcare.
The Constitution of the United States provides for l<span>imited government by ensuring there is a "balance of powers" and "checks and balances" between the three main branches of government, which ensures that no single branch can become too powerful and subsequently tyrannical. </span>