There were 20 disputed electoral votes and despite Tilden winning the popular vote, Hayes won after the disputed votes went Hayes way. 8 republicans and 7 democrats were selected to decide on the winner.
explanation above.
I would say, buissness borrow more money, consumption increases, and interest rates fall.
In 1787 delegates from the thirteen states convened in Philadelphia to replace the unwieldy Articles of Confederation with a Constitution to endow the federal government with sufficient power to hold the country together. This short document, which was a result of both high idealism and low political horsetrading, has survived a Civil War and the massive expansion of the country to become the oldest constitution in the world. The Constitution itself, however, merely describes the functions of the federal government. It was left to ten Amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, to protect individual freedoms.
So you can live :/ I guess
He was impressed that Englishmen followed the law.