A. The mainland was not badly damaged and the war industries were turned into production sites for the production of goods for the increasing population.
B. Advancement in technology and increase in consumer's spending.
This period was the post WW II era in the 1950's, It was a period that brought about the speedy growth in the economy prosperity of the U.S. This was due to the low damaged the war caused on the country and the bad damage that was done to other super powers of the world who were the major supplier of goods before the war.
Moreover, there was massive growth in the population which resulted into high demand for goods there by leading into massive production wish in return lead to an economy boom because the war industries were turned into production sites to produce goods.
It was a period that was tagged "BABY BOOM" where the economy grew by 37% and brought about high spending by consumer due to availability of jobs that resulted into high wages.
It is True that the British influence was predominant in areas such as language, law, culture, religion, and the basic ideas of self-government.
British is known to be the largest empire in the history of mankind and were also the leading global power for over a century. By the year 1913, the British dominate over 412 million people which represent 23% of the world population during the said time and also covers about 24% of the earth entire land by the year 1920.
British language which is English is also widely accepted even by British former colonies ad their official language and it's considered as the most widely accepted and spoken dialect of the United States.
The British also influenced through its religion which is Christianity which is one of the most accepted religion in the world.
To protect its head start, Britain tried to enforce strict rules against exporting inventions.
I think the only real belief system that literally everyone must have in common is that we have the ability to create thoughts. That's pretty much it.