was a theoretical physicist who published the special and general theories of relativity and contributed in other areas of physics. He won the Nobel Prize in physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.
The theme of the poem is A. Memories provide opportunities for gratitude.
But let's face it: it is a sad gratitude. The speaker in the poem "The Self-Unseeing", by Thomas Hardy, is looking back at a childhood memory. The memory itself is happy and inspires gratitude. His father playing the fiddle, his mother sitting by the fire... Those were joyful times! However, there is some regret as the poem ends. The speaker realizes he did not pay attention to the happy moments while he was living them, back when he was younger. He seems to resent himself for that. Yet, his appreciation is now fully expressed through the poem.
In “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe, when the speaker said “Nameless here for evermore” it means that she is no longer on earth. This is shown how the speaker is full of sorrow because he misses his lost Lenore.