Yellow Journalism
The type of journalism that shows news that is not researched or factually accurate but instead is exaggerated in order to attract eyeballs. In other words doing whatever is necessary to attract attention while not considering whether the content is factually correct.
Here, The Weekly World News just wanted people to buy their paper and wrote a ridiculous headline.
Hence, they are using yellow journalism.
Answer: Labeling each answer in order as A, B, C and D, the correct one is D, senators are elected direclty by each state´s voters.
Explanation: The 17th Amendment replaced the constitution's Article 1 section 3, clauses 1 and 2, which establish that each senator must be elected by each state´s legislature.
I believe the answer is Narsocistic...(sorry if the spelling is bad.)
Keelboats have been used for exploration, such as during the Lewis and Clark Expedition, but were primarily used to transport cargo or settlers in the early 19th century. The process of moving a keelboat upriver was extremely difficult, though current dependent.The earliest keelboat seems to have been a skiff with a plank nailed the length of the bottom to make the boat easier to steer, but by about 1790 the keelboat had become a long narrow craft built on a keel and ribs, with a long cargo box amidships.
Option d, Predictability
George Ritzer is a sociologists developed the principle of McDonaldization in 1993 in his book 'The McDonaldization of Society'. These principles are characteristics of McDonald's and other fast-food restaurants. Ritzer identifies four principles:
- Predictability
- Calculability
- Efficiency
- Control
Predictability is the prediction of food menu. Food menu is same through out the stores of same restaurant. Building, decorations and uniforms are also the same through out the stores.
So, among the given options, predictability is the correct option.