Lower the emission of carbondioxide gas and planting more trees.
Lower the emission of carbondioxide gas and planting more trees are the two measures that have been implemented at the national level of countries to ensure the sustainability of coral reefs. Carbondioxide emission is the main reason for the destruction of coral reefs because more carbondioxide emission causes decrease the pH level of ocean. This acidic water of ocean damaged the skeleton of coral reefs and as a result thousands of organisms lost their habitat.
The physical features contributed to the settlements because they were able to create/make sailboat and the wheel.
they did this because it was a land between two rivers that where tigris and euphrates.
They have the same amount of humidity. The climate is the same. And they are in the same continent. lastly they have the same time.
Push factors: Push factors are those factors that force an individual to leave a place. If not left the individual will have to risk something. some examples of push factors are Famine, drought, conflict or extreme religious activity.
Pull factors: pull factors are those factors that attract an individual or group to leave their home. It is the desirability of a place that attracts, also, called place utility. Better job opportunity, Better Economic activity and better living standards are are some factors in pull factor.
The correct answer is - 2. Earth's climates have changed and are likely to change in the future.
From what is known for the geologic past of the Earth, our planet's climate has been changing numerous times. The climate on the planet has varied from being predominantly wet tropical climate, to having ice ages, having multiple different climate types at the same time... The reasons for the changes in the Earth's climate are numerous, with the Sun's radiation, tectonic movements and activities, volcanic activity, outside influences like asteroid and meteorite collisions, the vegetation, and all of them have managed to create a very colorful climate history of the planet. This trend of climate change should continue in the future as well, as all of the aforementioned factors are still influencing the climate and on top of that the humans have become a factor in the climate change too.