The answer would be C. The committee's bickering was seriously impeding any real progress.
impede would translate to preventing...such as preventing progress.
Scrooge in dickens' A Christmas Carol i miserly an greedy
He is so cheap that he won't allow his clerk to put another coal on the fire even though the room is freezing.It is Christmastime and several men visit Scrogs's office to collect money to buy food for a feast for the poor. Scrooge angrily refuses and throws the men out of his office.
The last words of the first and third lines rhyme, and so do the last words of the second and fourth lines, making the rhyme scheme abab. The fifth and sixth lines do not rhyme, so the rhyme scheme for them is cd.
Thus, if the first line is identified as “a” in the rhyme scheme, the remaining lines should be identified as "babcd".
Um? How can we site evidence if there’s no evidence to see we need to see the whole passage bro. How can anyone answer this