Usually the Y chromosome. It is recessive because if one Y chromosone is mutated with red-green colorblindness and the X is not, the child will have colorblindness. But, if one X chromosome has the mutation and the other X does not, they will cancel out, meaning the child will not have colorblindness.
She has been dead for 5 days.
My teacher always taught me the saying "(A)pples on (T)rees, (C)ars in (G)arrages, meaning that A always went with T and C always goes with G
When that applies here, 30 Red, or Adenine legos would go with 30 Thymine legos, which is the color orange
30 reds would go with 30 oranges in this case
Loess is a geologically material which is usually yellowish or brown in color and consisting of tiny mineral particles brought by wind to the places where they now lie. It is a sedimentary deposit of mineral particles which are finer than sand but coarser than dust or clay, deposited by the wind. Loess is a type of silt which forms fertile topsoil in some parts of the world. The soil has few clay particles to hold it together. It is composed mainly of quartz crystals which slide easily against each other, and is therefore very subject to erosion.
Photosynthesis produces energy which is used during respiration to break down carbohydrates like starch into more usable forms like glucose