Textiles were the leading industry of the Industrial Revolution and mechanized factories, powered by a central water wheel or steam engine, were the new .... :823 The flying shuttle patented in 1733 by John Kay, with a number of subsequent improvements including an important one in 1747, doubled the output of a weaver, ...</span>
The western democracies responded to aggression with a policy of appeasement because the Western democracies wanted to avoid the horrors of another war.
The Federalists wanted the wealthy and educated to lead the nation, focused on businesses and trading, and had a loose Constitution interpretation. The Anti-feds wanted the people of the nation to lead, focused more on agriculture, and wanted a strict interpretation of the Constitution. Federalists wanted Hamilton's plan for financial crisis to work because it would help their businesses. The opposing side were against it because they would be the ones who had to pay for the high tariffs.
Under the Constitution, the President as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy is the supreme military commander charged with the responsibility of protecting and defending the United States. ... Thus the Con- stitution speaks of the power of the Congress “to raise and support Armies,” art.
In addition to literature, drama, and music the Greeks were also instrumental in influencing Roman architecture and art. Relying heavily upon Greek models, the Romans often constructed buildings and houses that implemented Greek styles such as colonnades and rectangular based designs.