my answers are wrong sk dont oisten to me its 100056
Los principales beneficiados fueron los imperios coloniales europeos.
Al principio, los beneficiados fueron Portugal y España, los primeros estados europeos en formar imperios coloniales.
En los siglos posteriores, Francia, Países Bajos, y en especial, el Reino Unido, entraron en la escena colonial y formaron enormes imperios que aún influyen en el mundo de hoy en día.
El Reino Unido en particular tuvo el imperio más grande de la historia durante el siglo XIX, y principios del siglo XX.
The correct answer is - establish a democratic government.
One of the main goals of the war in Afghanistan, at least officially, was to establish a democratic government. In order to accomplish such a thing, the Us forces, as well as the others that fought alongside them, had to eliminate al Qaeda first, as well as to put under control the separatist, extremist tribes that were controlling parts of the country.
Unfortunately, this didn't really worked out as planned, and Afghanistan is still a country in terrible condition. It is still a country where the safety is on a very low level, the human rights are not respected, especially towards the women, and the existence of terrorist and extremist groups is still a huge problem.