It could be “Emperors” and worshiped as Gods or Kings but idk
Euripides wrote The Trojan Women and other plays about the Athenians’ treatment of women.
Women were also entirely shut out of political activity. Women were not allowed to vote, and in Great Britain, women were so bound to their husbands that under 19th-century British common law, they were barely considered people at all.
India people can be very hard to understand at times But I love them
European migrants transfer familiar patterns and institutions to their colonies in the Americas in a way that they tried to incept their familiar cultural and economic features to that in the New World and economic specification fo Native Americans was diverse therefore because of cultural exchange new cultures emerged even that they were heavily influenced by Europeans good example of that are Latin American countries were many mixed marriages occurred, Spaniards were focused on spreading the Christianity French on cooperation and trade with Natives Dutch in establishing trading posts and English on settlement