The hook does not relate to the topic. The hook is not about what is great about Niagra Falls. It is just a fact.
Masks slow the spread of the virus because they can keep people who are infected from spreading respiratory droplets to others when they cough, sneeze, or talk.
Pls rob ur a virgin cuz ur bored ur gonna ur going to buy it
In recent years it’s become noticeable that students are using all different forms of music to help them while studying or doing homework. When listening to music one may notice how that person may tap their foot or drum their fingers, even though they appear to be focused on the task in front of them. The rhythm of the piece, whether it is fast or slow, causes the listener’s heartbeat to synch with it (How Music Affects Our Mood, 2014). The question however is which music to listen to. In some studies, test subjects show that the louder the music the more distracted the subjects became.
This is just a short idea of what your essay should be about, for plagiarism reasons I am not giving a full essay so I don't get reported.
Hope this helps!