the structural-functional approach.
The structural-functional approach is a term used to explain society, problems and taboos, collective and individual actions, based on causalities, ie, functions. In this way society, or what is observed from this term, is understood as an organism, composed of related organs and with specific functions. Based on this concept, we can say that if you are investigating the consequences of the incest taboo for the organization of kinship in various societies, you are using a structural-functional approach to explain how a taboo affects society.
Elastic demand is demand for a product is sensistive to orice change
Marshall served on the Supreme Court up until his death in 1835. He is widely considered the most important and influential Supreme Court justice in U.S. history. His rulings changed the way the Supreme Court worked and established it as an equal third branch of the government.
A Federalist Stronghold: John Marshall's Supreme Court. Marbury v. Madison was one of the most important decisions in U.S. judicial history, because it legitimized the ability of the Supreme Court to judge the consitutionality of acts of the president or Congress.
overcome functional fixedness
Monique routinely uses a shredder to shred her junk-mail into confetti-sized pieces of paper, which she then just throws away. When packing her glassware to move into a new apartment, she runs out of protective styrofoam packing material. Suddenly Monique gets the idea to empty her shredder and use the shredded junk mail confetti for packing material. In this case, Monique has <u>overcome functional fixedness</u>. Functional fixedness is a cognitive bias that makes people limit the use of a thing or object to the traditional use for which it was made.
Monique was fixed on using the shredder for the traditional purpose for which it was made and throwing away the junk mails, which is for shredding junk mails. However, her decision to deviate from the traditional usage of the shredder and instead using the shredded papers for packing shows that she has overcome functional fixedness with regards to the use of a shredder.