that's the answer for the story of the space
A - The AOC had no true power so couldn't tax, have a military, or a president.
While there were many other factors, threats and violence definitely were key aspects to Hitler's rise to power. His use of terror tactics made people obedient through fear. After acting upon his threats, they knew if they didn't follow him, there was a good chance they would die. He used a sort of manipulation that while brutal, tends to be effective, as portrayed through many events and leaders in history, such as the French Revolution, Mao Zedong (China), Stalin (Russia), and Leopold II (Congo).
It put alot of debt and restrictions to the german country and their people, stripped them of their territories and made them pay for war damages across europe while they were dealing with an economical collapse of their own within. as you can imagine this was impossible to get out of plus having to deal with an unbelievable homeless and jobless rate in germany. This all set the stage for Adolf Hitler to power in germany, and with the german people's support.
Civilian property was destroyed as a tactic to accelerate the war.