The Beiyang Government
In the 1920s, the Beiyang government based in Beijing was internationally recognized as the legitimate Chinese government. Much of the country, however, was not under its control, being ruled by a patchwork of warlords. The Kuomintang (KMT), based in Guangzhou (Canton), aspired to be the party of national liberation. Since the conclusion of the Constitutional Protection Movement in 1922, the KMT had been bolstering its ranks to prepare for an expedition against the northern warlords in Beijing, intending to reunify China. This preparation involved improving both the political and military strength of the KMT. Before his death in March 1925, Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the Republic of China and co-founder of the KMT, was supportive of Sino-Soviet co-operation, which had involved forming the First United Front with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The military arm of the KMT was the National Revolutionary Army (NRA). Chiang Kai-shek, who had emerged as Sun's protégé as early as 1922, was appointed commandant of the Whampoa Military Academy in 1924, and quickly emerged as a contender for the position of Sun's successor in the aftermath of his death. s. On 20 March 1926, he launched a bloodless purge of hardline communists who were opposed to the proposed expedition from the Guangzhou administration and its military, known as the Canton Coup. At the same time, Chiang made conciliatory moves toward the Soviet Union and attempted to balance the need for Soviet and CCP assistance in the fight against the warlords with his concerns about growing communist influence within the KMT. In the aftermath of the coup, Chiang negotiated a compromise whereby hardline members of the rightist faction, such as Wu Tieh-cheng, were removed from their posts in compensation for the purged leftists. By doing so, Chiang was able to prove his usefulness to the CCP and their Soviet sponsor, Joseph Stalin. Soviet aid to the KMT government would continue, as would co-operation with the CCP. A fragile coalition between KMT rightists, centrists led by Chiang, KMT leftists, and the CCP managed to hold together, laying the groundwork for the Northern Expedition.
<span>In Roman society, the aristocrats were known as patricians. The highest positions in the government were held by two consuls, or leaders, who ruled the Roman Republic. A senate composed of patricians elected these consuls. At this time, lower-class citizens, or plebeians, had virtually no say in the government.
Hope my answer helped :)</span>
Answer: Hoover's accomplishments include: -signed into law the Agricultural Marketing Act. This law created the Federal Farm Board to help regulate farm prices. -proposed the creation of an old-age pension program, promising 50 dollars per month to all Americans over the age of 65.
Hope this helps
During the period of 1850 to 1920 CE, China embraced Westernization in a way that it had never done before. The most important catalyst for this change were the Opium Wars. The First Opium War ended in 1840 with the defeat of China, and the Treaty of Nanking (1842). The treaty ceded Hong Kong to Great Britain and allowed the importation of opium. As the use of opium increased, many social problems followed, including social unrest and the weakening of the government.
This situation created the conditions for many other problems, such as the Taiping Rebellion, the Punti–Hakka Clan Wars, the Nian Rebellion, the Dungan Revolt, and the Panthay Rebellion. The cost of putting down these rebellions further weakened the government. A weak government was unable to stop the influence of imperialist nations. Nations such as Japan, France, Great Britain, Germany and Russia wanted to expand their sphere of influence in China, and this influence encouraged westernization within the country. Westernization also developed due to trade, as China began to depend more on Western supplies to defend against its many internal conflicts.
The most fundamental element of the Gothic style of architecture is the pointed arch, which was likely borrowed from Islamic architecture that would have been seen in Spain at this time. The pointed arch relieved some of the thrust, and therefore, the stress on other structural elements.