It's a monocot
Six petals, long leaves, fits the description
An athlete would have a larger vital capacity than a non-athlete aerobic ability would find people with larger lungs and hence a bigger vital capacity. The vital capacity of an athlete is higher than a non-athlete because they are trying to do hard work their legs to get bigger and bigger over time making it easier for them
People who acquire advantageous features have a greater chance of surviving, whereas individuals who have less useful traits are weeded out by natural selection. The higher the diversity of characteristics in a population, the greater the population's chances of survival.
Resident 1 is to give the most valid results.
Mars and Moon are the locations from which meteorites would come.
Option (c);
- The meteorites found on Earth look like martian crystal rocks.
- These might be first ejected into space during a collision of an asteroidal object with Moon or Mars and then it got into the Earth orbit because of the force produced during the collision.
- There are around seventy meteorites recognised to have come from the planet Mars till up to the present date.
- There are three types of meteorites such as Martian meteorites and a sample of two lunar meteorites.
- To identify the origin of the meteorite, the scientist tries to identify the type of rock followed by analysing the chemical composition and then try to identify its age.