I chose C because an action verb is when the character is doing something that stands out. Wallace inhaled his lunch indicates that he is in a hurry to get something done. I hope this helps you.
Using 1000 plants, each for an individual barrel. The plant that was poisoned will die within thirty days, that way the people will not die. Personally I don't see what's so bad about using 1000 humans as text subjected though ;)
A quote or citation is a literal statement made by someone, quoted by someone else. Quoting differs from paraphrasing in that the latter form reflects ideas of others in their own words (the idea is maintained, but the form is different from quoting).
When citing phrases, your own text should be written in such a way that the quote is seamlessly integrated. If that is not entirely successful without, for example, moving a verb from the quotation or putting it in a different tense, then this operation should be marked by putting the word between square brackets. If something from the quoted part is not quoted, the omission must be marked with an ellipsis: three dots between round brackets.
I think it means that you are you. Your actions represent yourself and you are the only one who can make decisions for yourself. If you go and get arrested for stealing, that's who everyone knows you as. So, therefore, you are what you do, as in you are who you act like.
Assuming that the italicized clause is "when the hairbrush pulled her long curls" it is an adverb clause
An adverb clause is an individual adverb or a group of words that is going to be connected to the main sentence by an adverb, this specific example is using the subordinating conjunction "when" that is connecting the subordinated clause that is giving extra information to the main sentence to create a full adverb clause.