A litote is an understatement that expresses the affirmative by saying the negative of the contrary. This is a wordy definition that can make it difficult to understand. Here are a few examples:
That wasn't the messiest house I've ever seen. - This sentence says that the house is messy by saying the contrary - that it's not messy.
The poem "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost has a litote because it says that the world being destroyed would be "great" and "would suffice". He doesn't actually think this to be true.
In World War II, German submarines were called U-boats which sank many Allied transports and freighters. The Allies worked on breaking the U-boat radio code but weren’t successful. In 1942, British commandos captured a wrecked and abandoned U-boat.The commandos got a German code machine from it called an Enigma machine. The Allies broke the code, and were able to locate German U-boats which were scarce.
Referring to segregation as desolate help persuade listeners by hearing someone talk about how cruel segregation really is and making them see their bad actions (I don’t know if this is right I am sorry if it is not).
You can learn to speak French at any time.
However, notwithstanding all that has been done and written against it, that brutish barbarity, and unparalelled injustice,