(Como não falou o ato, posso somente deduzir) Olha, não tenho certeza, mas eu já li o livro:
Caríssimo Romeu,
Não se afogue em lágrimas por um improvável amor, procuras tu a razão: Não podes tu querer casar com uma família antagônica à tua. Mas se fores mesmo perdido de amor, posso-lhe fazer algo. Volte à minha residência, que lhe quero falar. Enviarei a ti um mensageiro. Não faças nada hediondo, não fiques desatinado, não sejas teu próprio carrasco. Não faças nada com fúnebres corolários
Teu amigo e conselheiro,
Frei Lourenço
Computer programmers design, develop and test software and ensure software adheres to best practices in performance, reliability and security. Computer programmers can work developing mobile applications, coding video games, programming websites and much more.
the meaning of glitter of hope isto shine with strong emotion.
"We need the medalllion!" Luis exclaimed.
"Okay, let's go" I agreed.
Now, we were on our way to look for the medallion It was pitch dark outside, I could barely see anything, but we needed to find that medallion. If it ended up in the wrong hands, everything could be over. It's powers Grant many amazing things, however, if the enemy obtains it, its game over for all of us; and I had no idea where to find it
"Hurry" I told Luis who stood behind me not moving one muscle.
"Oh you poor thing. Never trust anyone" he said as I turned to look at him.
"WHAT THE??" I practically yelled.
"YOU TRADOR! I THOGUHT we were in this together"
"Wait where are you going" I finsihed saying.
" See you never dumbo" Luis yelled as he started running.
Now it was up to me to find Luis, my best friend who turned out to be a tardor!
Hope the made up story helps!