he can compare the dental records with the victims remains.
Sexual and drug substance use risks should be determined during a routine health history with every new patient and updated regularly during periodic health care.
Risk assessment helps to identify individuals at risk; support recommendations for HIV, STD, and hepatitis screening; and establish risk reduction education topics and strategies.
Risk assessment can help people who are already infected access treatment
and learn how to avoid transmitting HIV to others.
1. bulbospongiosus
2. transverse perineal muscle
3. ischiocavernosus
4. Gluteus maximus
5. levator ani
The layer of muscles present at bottom of the pelvis and support the pelvic organs are known as the pelvic floor muscles.
There are five pelvic floor muscles that are common in both the males and the females. The names of these muscles are-
1. bulbospongiosus
2. transverse perineal muscle
3. ischiocavernosus
4. Gluteus maximus
5. levator ani
Characterized by muscle paralysis caused by destruction of acetylcholine
This choice is referring to myasthenia gravis.