someone keeps deleting my answersss
Hi There! :)
What does the Audience learn about Odysseus from his encounters with his shipmate Elpenor and his mother anticlea?
<span>Odysseus and his crew sail to the region of the Men of Winter and, per Kirke's instructions, make a ritual sacrifice for Teiresias. While waiting for Teiresias, Odysseus cuts down the other phantoms that emerge, including Elpenor, who had fallen from Kirke's roof. Odysseus promises him a proper sailor's burial back on Kirke's island. He also sees his dead mother, Antikleia. Odysseus thought his mother was alive so he is pretty sad and begins to cry.</span>
According to me it should be answer D; Media literacy is the ability to "read" critically the message behind the various media with which you interact on daily basis.
Hope this helps!
I would say it would be negative because when someone has an eerie smile, or look, they are usually scary, or very weird. Eerie means strange and frightening. So I would say it's negative.