The cultivation analysis posit that when someone constantly watches the television at a frequently high rate, such person tends to believe the scenes and informations gotten from watching the television to be real and valid. This informs the person's perception about the real world and subsequent behavioural pattern
A benefactor or a donor is a wealthy supporter of artists, writers, and scholars
In this scenario, it can be said that based on Gina's observations she should immediately file a report with her principal or counselor since Joey could be suffering from abuse or neglect. If Gina believes this is the case after observing Joey every day then it is her obligation to report it in order for someone with authority to open an investigation, and hopefully help the child.
1. Population based services
2.Clinical preventative services
3.Primary health care
4.Secondary health care
5.Tertiary health care
Going by the the health services pyramid, population-based health care services takes the lead, clinical preventive services is next level to population-based health care services in the pyramid. Since nurse needs to address primary health care( prenatal and baby care and nutrition counseling) of his/her clients, therefore, it comes third. Secondary health care services follows. Tertiary health care forms the highest level of health, which include intensive care came last.
The heavy workload that comes with the heavy franchise is prepared to handle
This is a term where one party gives its franchisee to the other party. The franchiser provides their name, brand, and values to the other party. They provide some business system and process so that can provide good services. The franchisee pays its product one time and earns a lifetime. They provide their tools, their receipt to the franchiser and earn royalty a whole time.