Either as a false alarm or, a signal detection theory
1. The selling of indulgences (claimed to be tickets straight to heaven if you gave money)
2. Greed (heavy taxation, took money that was used for luxuries rather than charity)
3. Abuse of power (lack of separation of church and state)
For Luther the true meaning of "church" was: a reunion of people who helps each other and money didn't mattered; but the Roman catholic church in that time needed money to do the "cupola di San Marco" in Rome (Vatican) so they started to sell forgets for the people sins, so the church started to gain money, and the population was sure not to go to hell. Luther believed that to be forgiven people would've repent and than, only by the true regret they could've been saved.
the good works were to help the poor and the ills and staying away from the richness of the superior and selfish church.
(sorry for my bad English, I'm from Italy)
<span>The person who pioneered the use of guerilla warfare to defeat the Spanish in South America was Simon Boliviar. Known as "El Libertador" to many in South America, Mr. Boliviar was responsible for helping Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia gain independence from the Spain.
It should be noted that guerilla warfare is often employed as a tactic by those who are disadvantaged militarily (out-numbered, inferior weaponry, etc) and the fighting is being conducted on the "home-turf" of the disadvantaged group.</span>
d) social awareness and communication skills, first aid skills, and knowledge of law and procedures