was the homeland of the Romans and metropole of Rome's empire in classical antiquity. ... was extended by Romans to include the Italian Peninsula up to the Rubicon, a river located ... "Italy (ancient Roman territory)".
For most of Indian history, Hindu society has been divided into _______________. The four major social classes in Hindu society were _________________, ___________________, ___________________, and __________________. The Brahmins are at the top of the caste system. Their job is to be ________________. ___________________________ were warriors. Vaisyas were herders, farmers, ______________, and craftspeople. _______________________ were farm workers, servants, and laborers. The lowest group in Hindu society is not an official part of the caste system. They are called ________, also known as ______________ and are responsible for “__________ work.”
Each person in Hindu society is supposed to follow their ______________ as determined by their caste. This ensures that all jobs are done in society. If a person follows the _________ of their caste, then they will have good _____________. If they do not complete their duties, then they will have bad ________. Karma is important because Hindus believe that when they die, they go through the process of _________________. If someone has good karma when they die, they will be reborn into a higher _____________. If they do not follow their dharma, and as a result, have bad karma, then they will be reborn into a __________ caste. They might even be born as an animal.
Hindus believe that the goal of life is to escape the cycle of death and rebirth. They can do this by achieving “union with Brahman,” also known as _____________. To reach that goal, a person needs to climb the caste ladder until they are Brahmins, then they have to fulfill the Brahmin’s dharma so they have good ____________ at the end of their life.
On June 21, 1788, the Constitution became the official framework of the government of the United States of America when New Hampshire became the ninth of 13 states to ratify it. The journey to ratification, however, was a long and arduous process.
Answer: I GOT YOU!
They introduced Italian scholars to academic fields that promoted individual growth and thinking.
The rise of humanism in Italy is associated with the period in history, from the 14th to 16th centuries, that we call "The Renaissance." Renaissance means a rebirth -- and a big part of what was being reborn in the Italian Renaissance was the classical culture and scholarship of Greece and Rome. Scholars were unearthing many of the old writings of Greek and Roman philosophers, historians, and statesmen. These writings -- from pagan societies -- showed the deep thinking and great acts human beings were capable of prior to the rise of Christian society in Europe. This prompted humanist scholars in Italy (and elsewhere) to give focus to the full range of human capabilities -- in art, architecture, scholarship and writing, etc. Renaissance humanists remained within the Catholic Church and Christian culture, which dominated Europe in those centuries. But whereas church-dominated culture prior to the Renaissance focused mostly on the sinfulness and lowness of human beings in contrast to the greatness of God, the humanism of the Renaissance emphasized the greatness of human beings as God's creation. Individuals were encouraged to be all they could be, learn all they could learn, do all they could do as "Renaissance men."
It is E sorry i did not put it in there before sorry but there you go :)
Hope this helps If it dues let me know by saying thank you :)